Refiners' Trade
  • Affinatori di formaggi

Refiners' Trade

The great refiner not only selects and commercializes the cheeses.

Boni P&O has defined, thank to its years of experience, some steps to be followed in order to have the best cheeses.

The company selects the dairies, selects the wheels suitable for a long aging and than takes care systematically of the warehouse: constant cleanings and tests on each wheel allow the company Boni to have, once in the packaging department, only the very best products.

  • Parmigiano Reggiano

    Parmigiano Reggiano

    Still today, as in the past, the production of Parmigiano Reggiano requires experience, care and passion. It is more than 8 centuries that Parmigiano Reggiano is produced by dairymen following the same production steps.
  • Grana Padano

    Grana Padano

    Tastes and scents are very similar one wheel to the other, strictly connected with the cheese aging: softer and sweeter if the cheeses is between 10 and 19 months old, more spicy and straw in scent as the cheese becomes older.